Soupy Scoops

Soupy Scoops

Eight Treasure Soup

The Eight treasure soup is a regular item on our order menu at our favourite Chinese restaurant in Gurgaon. Last week sipping on the warm delicious soup for lunch after a movie, I said to myself, it would be a good idea to make it at home. Winter naturally is the best time to prepare and have...

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Soupy Scoops

Vegetable Clear Soup with Fried Garlic

Winter is a season for soups and vegetables so what better way than to create this simple yet popular clear soup. While, the recipe talks about a vegetable soup, you can throw in shredded chicken or shrimps if you would like a non -vegetarian option. One distinguishing factor in my recipe is the...

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Soupy Scoops

Tomato Carrot Soup

This one is classic taste plus health combine. While the tomato soup is common and I have grown up with different versions of this soup which is enjoyed by both vegetarians and non-vegetarians universally.

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Soupy Scoops

Avgolemono Soup

It wasn’t until our family holiday in Greece that I came across the Avgolemono Soup. It’s not a very common soup particularly in our part of the world. It was love at first sip and I was so enamored, I even got the Greek Chef to write the recipe down. It was in Greek and I later had it translated to English.

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