About Reetika Mitra

About Reetika Mitra
My tryst with food started early on in Kolkata. Growing up in a joint family, I remember as a little girl, standing in the corner of the kitchen, watching my Grandmother, mother and aunts cook the meals for the family. It was a ritual in those days starting with the menfolk going to the market to buy the fresh daily produce of vegetables, fish and meat. Then we all sat down as family to enjoy the meal, the children first, followed by the elders. There was something magical in that routine and my early inspiration into the world of food. I published my first few recipes in a leading Bengali magazine way back in the early 1990’s and kept at it for a few years before I got married. That’s the first time I realized, that the way to a man’s heart was through his stomach.


For me the greatest satisfaction lies in serving my friends and family a sumptuous spread of great tasting food. Over the years as I travelled extensively and lived in Gurgaon, Chennai, Dubai, Ho Chi Minh City and Hong Kong, I had the opportunity to explore my passion with local cuisines. It has been an exciting culinary and gastronomic journey. I love experimenting with new recipes whether it is the Vietnamese Banh Xeo or the Greek Avgolemono soup. I have found it challenging and fulfilling at the same time, to make some of these exotic international cuisines adapted to the Indian palate without losing their essence. The world around us is changing and so are food habits. “Fooding Around” brings together my recipes past, present and future. This is a place where food and fun come together.
The real inspiration for this endeavor are all my friends and family who have been encouraging me to go online with my recipes. To them I want to say thank you. I have often been asked about my secret ingredient. Well everyone has their own special touch. For me, my two secret ingredients are passion and love. I am looking forward to creating more smiles globally with my recipes.


“From the Heart to the Plate, “Fooding Around” is a journey not a destination.”

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